Friday, December 30, 2005

2 roads for me to choose...

Last night, (it almost midnight) i had a drink with my sister... hmm... nothing much actually. just hang out at HS cafe to have some chat with her. About half n hour chatting... Abe came... he looks tired...

"So... mcmn? ok tak?"

"OK! aje...kau pegi ke tak?"

"Tak pegi... aku mana tahu KAED Audi tu kat mana..."

Hmmm... macamana la si Abe ni boleh jumpe aku kat Cafe HS dgn kak Aeda. Kan dah kantoi... so.... dia selamba orangnye. terus join aku dgn kak aeda bersembang. Kitorang bersembang agak lama jugak... Aku kenalkan kak aeda kpd Abe. Kitorang sembang mcm2 topik. dah nak hampir pukul 12tgh mlm. kak aeda dah balik dulu... tinggal la aku dgn Abe. Kitorang terus bersembang... lbh kurang sampai pukul 1 pg. Mula la bukak criter yg lebih mendalam... kiorang bersembang pasal minah yg kitorang minat kat sini... Hmmm... sayu Abe bercerita psl kisah dia yg bertepuk sebelah tangan... minah tu mcm dah ada laki lain... aku pon lebih kurang jugak... direject jugak.... may be tak seteruk Abe direject... secara amnya sbb diorang ada priority yg lain.

Actualy... agak susah nak decide sbg seorang pelajar yg nak mengisi sesuatu dlm diri, disamping belajar... kena pilih.... nak couple... or nak aktif... sy pon pernah ada pengalaman... ia tentang komited... tak boleh campur aduk antara dua benda ni. Klu campur aduk... salah satu akan terabai... Abe kata aku masih boleh pilih antara dua ni... samada nak aktif di UIA ni, atau nak luangkan lebih masa kpd si dia (Klu ada la!). kena fikir jugak... dalam masa yg sama, belajar kena konsisten... jgn bagi masalah luaran blh ganggu study. Bagi Abe, dia dah susah nak luangkan masa kpd si dia... tu yg dia terpaksa lupakan awek tu.

So...bagi aku... aku tengok dulu GPA sem ni mcmn... klu elok... or average... ada jalan yg akan aku pilih antara dua ni. Aku pon belum pasti samada si B tu dah berpunye ke...(Abe kata belum lagi...) dia tu suka ke kat aku... nak lagi ke dia kat aku.... layak ke aku untuk dia... mcm2 lagi la.... Aku pon boleh jadi aktif klu aku nak.... pengalaman kat matrik dulu dah banyak... MSCC.... McHUSS... PSSGM... McLEAD pon aku pernah rasa... hmm...Kat sini... ada MRC... kolej ALI punya MRC mcm best... SRC pon ada... tunggu dan lihat la GPA aku tahun ni mcmn...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

"Love is blind"

Tomorrow is Sunday. May be i will return to my cousin's house since there is nothing i can do tomorrow at iium. the library will be closed until Monday and so do the classes. i think i wanna make my assignments at my cousin's home. (everything are supported!) All the reference are enough i think. Thanks 2 my dear sister who helped me out since 2 days ago..... She was so sporting.
By the way, that was't the story that i wanna share with you. Well...according to the tittle, it's about love... let me start this story since i still in the matriculation centre. There was a girl. Her name is.... " B ". (Don't try to guess who she is) and... there was a boy. His name is....." A " (again, don't try to guess who he is...) both of them was quite clever and i just nothing. "B" was a cute and charming girl... and A was friendly and he is a friend of B. I know the girl coz i was an active student at that time. I know the boy coz he take the same programme with me (HS). Actually... i think i've heard that A told me that he likes B very much... may be i forgot...
I saw her first time at Fraser Hill (that's the name... i think...). My first impression on B, "huyyo, cun giler..." my thought was just the same as other boys... at that time... i don't know who she is... or what she is... There is nothing much happen in 4 days at the hill. I and all participants were busy learning and finishing making the working paper. Sometimes, i take a chance to glance at B. " Cutenyer..."that was my thought at that time...
Back to MCIIUM... i live just like normal student... go to the class... and chatting with few friends... until i received a letter. i was choosed as a sub-committee of the society. There will be a meeting at that night about an event before the semester ends. Than i realize, she was one of the exco in the society. At that night, i saw her sitting in front with all the other exco..."Ya Allah... cantik + ayunye minah sorang ni...". At that time i feel that she is the most beautiful person that i ever see (i think that was't love yet...) So... i decided "bertuahnye klu dia ni jadi awek aku..."
======to shorten the story======
I succeed to have a relationship with her at the next semester. than i remember and realize that A and B was a good friend. (until now i think...) A realize that i have something to do with B. No one tells him... not me, or B, tell him about our relationship... My "not very tight" friendship with A became cold. When A saw me, he showed his unpleasant face. it was his own trademark... no one can copy that impression from him. Days by days... we were like water and oil...never suits together.
After few weeks, I don't know what actually happened... B didn't wanted to further this relationship..."ala... jgn la macam ni... baru dua minggu..." i send an sms to her...she really wanted to stop it. B said her career marks was decreased. She was not satisfied and cried. She blamed me because of her bad performance, and she blamed me because i told about our relationship to someone that she don't want "C" (where the hell that C come from?) to know...her Head Secretariat... But i think she was to active that makes her marks low... and it was something to do with A. I agreed... and hope that she was right. I cried a little bit in front of Yassin (Aku menangis sebab cinta! tak pernah terfikir....!!) Deep in my heart... i said... "A... you win..."
At iium Gombak...My relationship with A became "quite" well again... now he is sitting beside me... going online... and have chats with someone..."dgn sape la dia chatting tu...." I admit that i am still in love with B. Everytime i saw A face... a glance of B face will spin through my mind. i hope everything will be ok... i wanna be a good friend with A. He is a good guy... although some time i feel like "trying to be friend with the enemy". I hope he don't think that i still in love with B. Or things will be going up side down... Sometimes A shows his trademark face again... i just don't like it...
Huyyo!! very long.... I don't finish my assignment yet!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Assignment - task for a IPT students...

Since yesterday, I don't have any classes. It's some kind of fun coz i can spend my time doing my own work for 4 days. Sadly i have 2 assignments given by Dr. Shah (believe it or not.... 2 hard assignments!!), or i already at my cousin's home playing PS2. The assignments also must finish within 1 week before the mid-term exam started. So.... I have spend 2 days at the library searching for books that related to my assignments. However, i can't borrow it since my smart card still in progress(Man!! So slow!! It's already the 3rd week!). But i manage to photocopy few parts of many books. ONe of the books was from the thesis collection. The rules to borrow the book was quite strict. We can borrow it not more that 2 hours. In addition, it can be photocopy only the small part of it(masalah hak cipta). But the whole contents in the book was very important for my assignments. After thinking, i manage to go to all the 3 photocopy centre at every floor of the library and i have photostate almost every page of the book(ni la orang kata nak seribu daya!). Making assignments like this make me remember to Sir Mohi's assignment(intro 2 Human sciences III) at MCIIUM. He was a strict is good that i have experienced his lecture... experience that matters...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My First Post...

Assalamualaikum to dear readers... Actually I have decided to post a blog coz the first few weeks at IIUM Gombak, I am so free until I don't have nothing to do. But at the same time, I actually don't know what to write about. hmm... I remember that I said many times to all my friends that I will stop being an active student, and just live like a normal ordinary students when I entered to IIUM Gombak. I think that I must take it back coz it's hard for me not to avoid my usual hobby. It becomes more encouraging when I went to CAC yesterday. There was a festival named: Performance Arts Concert a.k.a. I Pac 2005. It was a grand events for three days, and it was first time ever done at IIUM Gombak. It was organized by STAD from 13 - 15 December 2005. The opening ceremony (yesterday) was very successful from my eye as an audience. There was a "Festival Gendang" at that night. Lots of traditional musical instruments was played and not forgotten, tarian kuda kepang.... tarian piring... silat.... and much more....Than comes a nasyid group "Sauda'", singing few Zainal Abidin's Song. Arif have a great voice just like Zainal's voice. i know him... We are friends since my first sem at mciium pj.... i also recognize the committee as well.... all of us were active together at mciium... now i hope that i can be an active student just like before, and at the same time i will be successful in my studies at IIUM Gombak. Tomorrow (15 Dec 05) Ramli Sarip will also make a performance. for those who miss it, you will regret it. i just can't miss it! that's all for now... wassalam...