Monday, April 29, 2013

All Google account data file transfer ownership (Best links for reference)

Kalau ikutkan hati aku, nak sangat aku print screen setiap benda yang aku buat ni. Tapi akan makan banyak masa pulak. I dont have that much time. T___T. Aku jugak tak cover semua google product, aku cuma cover google products yang aku pakai sahaja. Kalau ada benda specific nak tanya, boleh tinggalkan komen atau hantar direct email kat aku. (link)


GENERAL REMINDER: There is no one click button to transfer everything due to several reasons.

For more info:





To Do List:

1. Youtube


2. Google Drive


- Reminder:

Google Apps Customers: You can't make someone outside of your domain the owner of your Google document. Only Google Apps customers in Premier and Government domains can transfer ownership of a synced or uploaded file (like a PDF or image file).

Consumer Drive users and Google Apps for Education customers: You can't transfer ownership of a synced or uploaded file (like a PDF or an image file).

- Reminder: Google Drive Extra Storage:

3. Blogger


4. Google Reader



3. Google Calendar



4. Google Contacts

- Export:

- Import:

- Reminder:

5. Gmail's emails (mass transfer or mass delete)

- General:

- Using Filters method:

- Using Labels method:

6. Picasa (ni yang paling leceh skali)


7. Google Wallet (Jangan lupa delete google wallet info kalau nak transfer account!!)


- Reminder:

8. Google Web History (Clear all your online browsing history)


9. Google Bookmark (ni pon leceh gak) - Aku terangkan lain kali ye~

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Im posting using other Gmail account. Hope this will work! :-)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ads sape nie??

Youtube ads 1

Youtube ads2

skali kat pon ade BN ads ni. Kacau mood aku betol... -,-

Monday, April 01, 2013


Actually seminggu tu tak de la lama sangat. Tapi kalau kita diminta tunggu barang kita nak sampai dalam masa seminggu, rasa macam sebulan! Haissh! @,@