Tomorrow is a very important date to me.
It's from 12th August to 14th August 2009.
"Why you so nervous Jai?"
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"OMG! Of course I am damn nervous. We are representing IIUM you moron! Dr.Aldila from ALUMNI and the rector himself are putting high expectation on us."
Dear readers, please pray for the success of IIUM team. We are facing many challenging teams from the other universities, such as UTP, UiTM, MMU and many more. In addition, mempertahankan takhta is not an easy task. CHAIYOK2 Jai! I need all the support that I can get. Hait!
berusaha! hehe..
InsyaAllah szakif! Aku akan mengharumkan nama UIA!
better put, kami. :)
all da best jai..wat leklok tau.. chaiyok2 =)
good luck!
To Szakif...
hehe... betol2. Kami team "Vibration" akan mengharumkan nama UIA! All the best!
To Coklat...
Coklat... thanx for your support. I hope you will be around during the competition.... So I will get up again by just seeing your smile if I ever feel down...
To Anonymous...
Hehe... thanx. Whoever your are... I highly appreciate it. =)
all da bes abg...chaiyouk2!!!u can do it..hehe..insya Allah...doa byk2 ea...(^,^)
Thanx Tqa... abg akan doa bnyk2.. InsyaAllah... =)
try your best,and push yourself to the limit.
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