Sunday, September 19, 2010

Amazing New Designs For The Dollar Bill

Hari ni bukak Yahoo page, aku tertarik dengan article ini. Dollar ReDe$ign Project telah diadakan untuk memberi wajah baru kepada wang kertas Dollar Amerika sekarang. Antara design yang paling menarik dan kreatif adalah Dollar design seperti di bawah ini, Karya Dowling Duncan.

Why a vertical format? "When we researched how notes are used we realized people tend to handle and deal with money vertically rather than horizontally," they note on the Dollar ReDe$ign Project's website. "You tend to hold a wallet or purse vertically when searching for notes. The majority of people hand over notes vertically when making purchases. All machines accept notes vertically. Therefore a vertical note makes more sense."

Although it was creative and very relevant, however, it looks fancy to me. Comel betul rasanya kalau berurusan menggunakan wang yang colourful. hohoho...

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